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Tomb of Peter


The Necropolis below the basilica was covered by Emperor Constantine in the year 320 in order to level off the ground on the spot …


The Confession, a semicircular, outdoor dugout, was designed and decorated by Carlo Maderno in 1600 between the floors of the old and the new …


The close rapport between tomb-altar-basilica resembles the chain of spiritual succession that is similarly enacted with a ritual like the laying of the hands. …


The monument stood at the center of the transept within a great basilica, measuring 110 meters by 55, begun around the year 322 A.D.—a …


If we were to walk along the narrow alleyway 70 meters long that separates two rows of burial stones—mostly dating from the second century—it …


The key to understanding the Vatican can be found in the mystery of the keys. This is no mere play on words. It has …